Monday, August 24, 2009


"I've failed u"
"I've broken someone's heart"
"I've cheated the world"
"I've no one"
"All alone today"
"Here I sit beside u"
"Will you forgive me my old man"

He chose to look elsewhere
And after some time
May be an hour
He touched my cheeks
And took his last breath.

I was wondering-
Was it a forgiveness?
Or a slap?

Queue of luck

I also wanted to be like you!
But I couldn't be.
No no, no fault of mine.
Perhaps destiny
Or perhaps my screwed up fate
In the queue of luck, I was late.

Lying dead on the sea shore
I see you passing by me
Some scared, some intrigued.
I lie there dead and fatigued.

I was happily swimming
in the sea
When you caught me
and brought me to the shore
I was wondering what the destiny
has in store.

And I was killed
by one of you
For no fault of mine.
For no fault of thine.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


It was early morning
Or so I thought!
I opened my eyes
With so much of an effort.
And bang - I hit
against a pot of shit
The dizzying head
spinned some more
And I saw you dancing
On the bathroom floor.

Barf everywhere
Outside and inside!
Shit everywhere
Outside and inside!
Unaware of everything
You danced like a queen.
Untouched by any thing
You seemed like a gal
who had just entered her teens.

I closed my eyes
And bathed with your warmth.